Once upon a time…

There was a young, tenacious, creative named Bree who was passionate about telling the stories of the brands she represented. Despite her talent, she often felt limited by the traditional methods of communication available to her. The agencies she worked for put her talents in a box and she was stifled. She wanted a place where her unique abilities and flair could shine, so, she decided to apply the digital marketing and social media skills she fine-tuned over the years to better communicate with modern audiences.

With her skills and toolbox fully stocked and stacked, Bree decided to start her own PR/Digital agency in 2018. She named it "Pixels & Digits" to reflect the intersection of art and technology in today’s digital world, and set out to create a space where her unique blend of creative storytelling and technical expertise could finally flourish.

As the business grew, Bree remained dedicated to her mission of helping brands connect with their audiences in meaningful and impactful ways. She continued to stay up-to-date on the latest digital marketing trends and honed her skills, constantly striving to improve and expand her offerings.

Today, Pixels & Digits is a thriving PR agency, with Bree at the helm, helping businesses and organizations craft and share their stories with the world. Whether it's through strategic consulting, social media campaigns, media outreach, or crisis management, Pixels & Digits is dedicated to helping clients connect with their audiences in a way that feels authentic and fun.

And so, the story of Pixels & Digits continues to evolve, as Bree works to create a world where storytelling and technology come together to inspire and uplift.